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What is the Monopoly

Monopoly is defined as the market situation where there is a single firm selling a product for which there is no close substitute available in the market. The firm represent the entire industry
In monopoly there is only a single seller of a particular product.

The following are the key conditions of monopoly
a)       Single firm or producer
b)       No close substitute of the product
c)       Barriers for the entry of the new product. It means there is difficult for other people to start that type of business
d)       Firm represents the whole industry. It mean all market share has the only a single firm

There are many causes of the monopoly. Some are the important causes
1)       The firm has the control over the essential raw material which is required for the production of goods, Due to this control the other people  not have access to the raw material and this will lead to the monopoly  
2)       Business combination is the one of the reason. Due to business combination the single firm take over the business of its competitor and get all the market share.
3)       Research and modern methods of production is one of the cause of monopoly. If a business has the modern technology and advanced research and development, then it will make a product which would be unique and that will lead to monopoly .

Monopoly has the many disadvantages
It lead to high price. If a single firm dominate the market, it will charge the price which it want. The monopolist is powerful to charge higher price. Some time they charge low price due to restriction of government and to create the new entry barrier for other business mans.

monopoly lead to the exploitation of consumer if the form of charging higher price, not providing quality of services , because the customers has no other option.