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Shawarma Business analysis

Shawarma Business in pakistan

What is Shawarma?
A Shawarma is a Middle Eastern sandwich-like wrap filled with shaved meat – chicken, lamb, beef or a combination of any. Other things in the sandwich include pickles, vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes and sometimes French fries (!) and garlic sauce. Most Shawarma are made outside restaurants and these Shawarma shops can be spotted easily by their towering logs of revolving meat and vertical red cookers. It’s a pleasure to see these Shawarma shops along with the small cafeteria at night. The meat in these meat towers are usually shaved using a long wield knife by a Shawarma cutter, dressed in white like that of a French chef.  Interestingly, not all Shawarma you see in Pakistan are not created equal. The shawarmas in the streets is a country to country experience, changing by taste even in the same neighborhood.

Every Business start with planning. Without a planning you can not get the success in the business. For planning a new business firstly analyze the current situation of that business and  that will help you to make strategy how you can perform excellent in that type of business.
Current analysis
1.      There is a huge competition in Shawarma business. This business is present in various parts of the country especially in Lahore, Karachi, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Gujranwala which have a great share in reduction of unemployment.
2.      The entry barrier is very Low due to high competition every one can enter to this type of business.
3.      One of the reason of Low entry barrier is its startup cost is very low. The following budget is require to start that type of business
Budget Allocation
Total Budget of ten thousand rupees for its promotional activities.
§  Cart (4ft x 2.5ft x 6ft) 3000
§  Shawarma Machine (Stainless) 35,000
§  Cooking Utensils 3000
§  2 set of Uniform 1400
§  2 set of furniture 6000
§  Interior decoration/renovation 20000
§  Advertisements 4000
§  Electricity + Gas
Total 72,400
     4    In Pakistan due to high unemployment the Labor is easily and cheaply available to that                type of business, In the form of waiters, shef
     5    Fresh chicken has the great taste. So the Fresh chicken is easily available in pakistan .
     6    The gas is required for cook food. So there is the threat of Load shading of Gas. The                   choice of alternative gas lead to increase the cost of the shawarma.
    7     Lahore is attractive market for that type of business, Because the people of Lahore                      mostly eat the fast food, So in Lahore there is the great demand of fast food. Shawarma             is the very popular fast food in Lahore
What the strategy should be for flourishing the shawarma business

1.      Develop a good repute in the cultural city of Lahore
2.      Make finest quality Shawarma to get fast spreading good word of mouth by the citizens. That will help to get the competitive edge. The people of Lahore are most conscious on taste of food
3.      Use of marketing strategies to quickly achieve the financial and other important goals.
4.      Give value and taste with quality ingredients to the Lahori’s mark
5.      Make a Brand, and promote the branding. That will help to make franchises and expanding your business in future. Your customer should know you will your brand name. just like coke and bull this is one of the brand name which is familiar due to Shawarma in lahore
6.      Use the social media like facebook,twiter,e.t.c to promote your shawarma business
7.      Add different type of chiken in shawarma. That will increase the variety of shawarmas you will offer. And that would be attractive  the people